3 Quotes & Sayings By Christine Grey

Christine Grey is a self-published author of erotic romance. She is a former kindergarten teacher who now spends her days writing about the love of her life, her husband, and their two cats. She has written 7 novels, which can be found on Amazon. She also writes short stories, poems, and personal essays Read more

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Dearra felt a blush on her cheeks as she responded. "It's not something I wish to repeat. Let's just say that all men seem to have one thing in common - they are all remarkably protective of their... swords. " Neither girl spoke further, but each wore a wicked grin on her face that would have sent Tebreh running in horror. Christine Grey
Wherever she went, he went, and almost without exception, she chose the direction that promised the most peril. Darius shook his head, and the corners of his mouth curved upward. If nothing else, at least she was consistent. Christine Grey